Saturday, June 25, 2011

Confession #26

As much as I dislike talking to strangers face to face, I find talking to them on the phone to be much worse.

Especially when I'm the one making the call. Especially when I'm returning a missed call, and I realize that the person I'm trying to contact left neither a direct number nor a last name, and if the secretary comes up with more than one Linda, I'm done for. </rant>

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Confession #25

It's been years since I've felt any sort of school spirit.

In fact, by the end of my time at public high school, I hated everything about the school and the district (aside from select teachers, of course). However, now that I'm enrolled and can officially say I'm a college student, I am happy to report that I love my school.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Confession #24

I am pissed off.

This is significant because I rarely get truly angry about anything. Right now, though, I'm upset enough that my typically mild-mannered tongue doesn't even mind saying that I'm pissed off.

I won't get into all the details since it's mostly little things that have snowballed to get me this upset, but the main thing is I've been feeling like a doormat. I've felt this way for a long time, to a certain extent, but it's been especially bad the past couple of days. This evening I tried to speak up for myself and take a stand on one thing, but no, I can't have a voice can I? So I got yelled at, and now rather than only being frustrated, I'm just plain pissed off.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Confession #23

I love my great-grandma, but I don't like going to visit her.

I used to love driving all morning to get to her house then staying all afternoon to visit, but it just isn't the same since she moved into a nursing home. It's all just very... depressing. The whole atmosphere of the place. My great-grandma, of course, is still sharp as a tack and probably wouldn't even be there if her body wasn't giving out in her old age, and that's sad to think about. At the same time, though, I want to go see her, and I know she enjoys seeing our family. So naturally I hate that I don't like going to visit, and it makes me feel like an awful human being.