Monday, January 30, 2012

Confession #54

I always have my best ideas in the middle of the night. 

I think it must have something to do with my being completely exhausted and thus thinking in an altered state of mind. Most of my ideas for novels have come to me after midnight, and after I have a main premise in mind, most of my plot twists and character quirks are hatched at a similar hour. This is also when I come up with brilliant plans for just about everything else. The problem is that I eventually fall asleep and forget all about these wonderful schemes.

Just last night—more accurately, around one or two o'clock this morning—I had a fantastic idea for a pattern for a crocheted hat. And right up until ten minutes ago, I had no memory of it whatsoever. Many times I will go through the process of forgetting, remembering, forgetting, then realizing I forgot something but not being able to remember what. Hopefully that won't happen this time, but if it does, this post should help jog my memory. In fact, that's mainly why I'm typing this. (And also because I'm avoiding finishing the paper I'm supposed to be writing for Brit Lit.)

(Hey, did you notice that I threw in some extra adjectives? I did that just for you. You know who you are.)

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