Saturday, March 5, 2011

Confession #10

First, some updates on previous posts:

I signed my housing contract for college on Sunday, and I have officially decided that I do not want a roommate. I also decided to apply to the Honors College. The cut-off for automatic acceptance was at the beginning of February so I'll only get in if they still have room for me. No word on that yet.

In regards to my recently-discovered kidney problems, I have an appointment with the nephrologist in April. That's a step up from May, I suppose.

Now, as for the confession:

I may gripe about them being stuck in my head, but I actually enjoy little kid songs.

I don't mean things like "Baa Baa Black Sheep" or "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Those are boring. It's the creative, fun songs that make me stand up and dance! Just to be clear though, I only sing and dance to them while I'm at work, where my only audience is a group of babies and toddlers. I don't go dancing down the street singing "Willoughby Wallaby Woo" or anything. That one is on Raffi's Singable Songs for the Very Young, by the way, and that was my absolute favorite album when I was little. As far as children's music is concerned, Raffi is the king.

In case you don't know who Raffi is, or in case you do know and you love him too, here is "Banana Phone":

Naturally, finding this parody made my week:

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